Unify among its associates internationally standardized working, quality conditions and protocols, to obtain more and better scientific evidence of Cell Therapies.
Promote and provide a rigorous scientific preparation, a solid academic training and an unquestionable compliance with the principles of bioethics among its members.
Regulate and advise its members in compliance with the philosophical and doctrinal principles, activities and practices that entail the good exercise of the field of Regenerative Medicine.
Promote all kinds of activities aimed at raising knowledge and perfecting the practice of Cell Therapies.
Standardize the use and dosage of biomedicines internationally, according to specific protocols for each pathology and results replicated in the regions and countries of members of the Association.
Provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on case management, research protocols, among other members and scientific organizations.
Collect data and articles related to Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapies and publish a magazine twice a year
Stimulate and encourage the writing of scientific publications related to Regenerative Medicine, Cell Therapies, biomaterials, biomolecules, nanomedicine, genetics, among other related topics.
Look after an environment of cordiality and solidarity among its members.
To cooperate with other national and international organizations in the promotion of veterinary and human regenerative medicine.
Be in contact and work in cooperation with references in fields complementary to the subject such as biology, microbiology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, bioengineering, bioprinting, nanomedicine, immunology, among others.
Acquire the appropriate assets to achieve these ends.
Validate and regulate by the knowledge of our members, the procedures they are qualified to perform
Provide proper training for young veterinarians and scientific researchers in veterinary regenerative medicine.
Organize and deliver courses at all levels around the different disciplines and branches of Regenerative Medicine
Impart lectures to members and non-members of the association to promote the correct use of Cell Therapies.
Postulate research projects or blind studies with real patients, to standardize protocols, raising funds together with animal foundations or sponsors. Once the most complete and promising projects have been chosen, the funds are given with the commitment to share results a priori of being published.